
Apex Lifestyles Brand Strategy

I was hired to conduct a series of brand discovery exercises to help the client better understand their brand and its needs. The result was a brand brief and three styles capes.

Inclusive Coach

Inclusive Coach

Brand Attributes
+ committed
+ realistic
+ confidence
+ empowered
+ progressive

This direction has the simplest color palette. It’s focused on imagery that represents groups, coaching, and the outdoors. It’s the closest direction to the original logo but expands on the initial elements. Colors are blue, grey, white and black. It uses images of the outdoors to help illustrate the idea of reaching your fullest potential in all areas.

Human Touch

Human Touch

Brand Attributes
+ education
+ awaken
+ relateability
+ honest
+ understanding
+ welcoming

This direction begins to include a more human element. It begins to expand our visual language and include subtle themes of spirituality. Keyword “subtle.” It begins to include more “everyday” people in our imagery and introduces the use of icons. The color palette is vibrant and inviting.

Bold Hero

Bold Hero

Brand Attributes
+ results
+ confidence
+ empowered
+ committed

This spicy direction takes the “in your face” approach. It has a strong, bold color palate. The icons are simple yet strong. The focus is on results and confidence.